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About Sponsorship Options

Updated: July 22, 2022

How do we become Sponsors?

Email for more information,
or to be sure you are on the list for notifications on sponsorship openings!

Prior season's sponsors have a first right of refusal through July.  After that time, remaining sponsorship opportunities will be open to the public.


What do Sponsorships do for us?

Add Membership Value
How do you keep the total price for
7 educational programs with 7 full meals at $37 per meeting? 

How do you bring professional members an increasing list of topics they want to learn about, from an impressive selection of locally, regionally, and even nationally recognized presenters?

How do you fund this in a small group that values their congenial and close knit community as it is, valuing quality members, and the time to build connections with each other, over large scale groups with the large budgets to match?

How do you support volunteer board members and add services like websites and collaboration with other estate planning groups? offering our members -first - the opportunity to showcase their firm and their practice through a limited number of  breakfast meeting sponsorships. 

At a reasonable price of $495, we can both increase someone's visibility within our group, and offset special member services and exceptional programs without charging the typical dues levels one would expect.

What do we do for our sponsors?

Exclusivity and Scarcity

Traditionally, we have limited the number of sponsorships annually, to one for each regularly scheduled breakfast meeting.


Each sponsor is listed on our website, with a logo and a link, for visibility not only internally, but to any professional seeking information about our group.

Each sponsor is listed singly, with their logo prominently displayed, on the meeting announcement for their sponsored program.

Each sponsor's logo will be included in the recognition power point slide show.

Thanks and Recognition

Each sponsor receives a personal,
public thank you from the EVEPC president, and has the opportunity to take up to 2 minutes at the podium to introduce their company, their staff, and their services to our members.

Messaging Opportunity

Each sponsor
introduces our speaker, and is invited to sit at the head table before the program to meet the presenters and get to know EVEPC officers better.

Promotional Items

Each sponsor may bring materials or giveaways to their program event, and place items near the registration table for member access.

Loyalty Rewarded, First Right of Refusal

Each prior year's sponsor receives (collectively) the first opportunity to renew their sponsorship.

After that, general EVEPC members are offered remaining sponsorship opportunities. 

Finally, the broader market is invited to consider a sponsorship, although they've never lasted that long.

It is worth noting that the integrity and credibility of EVEPC programs and speakers is a hallmark of our organization.  The Volunteer board meets and discusses/decides the desired topic list and best presenter candidates well before a season ends, and works to fill the program slate prior to beginning any sponsorship outreach

Thus, while it is possible that an organization may be paired with a speaker from their organization for a program sponsorship, it isn't because the sponsor purchased the right to dictate the program or presenter.

East Valley Estate Planning Council

602-840-2900 X1

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